
Negin Sairafi
1 min readMay 31, 2016

Doubt is the slow killer of dreams.

When I was younger and I wanted to do something I never thought about how hard it would be or whether I was capable of doing it. I would simply decide to do it and take action. With age comes uncertainty. The self is overexposed to toxicity, failure and negativity. Over time we build a resistance to risk. Nothing is second nature anymore because we constantly question our nature.

I am not made up of doubts, doubts are instilled in me. I am made up of certainty. I can do anything, I can be anything, I am already everything waiting to happen.

The world is a scary place full of sharp corners. The only way to navigate the streets without the fear of failure or questioning the self is to call upon the inner child. Your inner child is not afraid. Your inner child learned, over time, that certain things are too hot to touch, too dangerous to climb, too unpredictable to trust. But before the child learned, the child explored, and fell and hurt and cried. She is still in you. He is still accessible. You can call upon her when you need to. You can be him when you feel doubt is steering your decisions.

You are made up of so many things. You are capable of so many things. There are people in every corner of the world waiting for your greatness.



Negin Sairafi

Writer, creator, mystic and spiritual educator — exploring human potential, consciousness and visionary futures.